Ladies & Gentleman...
At this time we would like to introduce you to our company ProAnnounce, LLC! Why choose ProAnnounce for your next event? No matter what type of event you are having, where you are needing an Announcer or an Emcee, ProAnnounce will deliver exactly what you need, and want, to make your event everything you expect and more. We know the business very well, from many years of experience, so while we are very happy to give you any tips, we also are all about listening to you and what it is you want for your event. Whether that is a Dance Competition a Corporate Event, or anything in between. We will deliver exactly what you want with high quality professionalism.
ProAnnounce’s mission is to grow and train Announcers ASAP! Training will consist of a detailed and professional curriculum and we will provide Professional Announcers/Emcee’s Certifications! Yes, our Announcers will go through a thorough and rigorous program to become a Certified Announcer!

The curriculum will cover areas such as the Fundamentals of Announcing, PA Equipment Training, Award Ceremonies, Name Pronunciation, Music Digital Software, Dance Competition Rules and Etiquette, which will also cover important areas such as working with the Judges, Dancer safety and satisfaction, and how to run an “ON-TIME” Dance Competition or Event, etc. Yes, there is such a thing and our Announcers already have this reputation and do it better than anyone else in the industry.
Email us now to discuss with our friendly staff dates, pricing, and any questions you may have!
We are honored to have worked with the organizations below and many more!