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Dance Competitions

This is where it all started

Our very first announcing experience was a dance competition and even after many years, seeing thousands and thousands of routines we still absolutely love them. Dance competitions bring such a wonderful feeling with them and we love that we get to see a lot of drive, passion, motivation, commitment, a fun, competitive nature. One of the coolest things about announcing is that we typically sit right in front so we get the opportunity to witness all that and more in a front row seat.


Over the years we have made it our main priority to master this industry and because CDs are becoming more and more obsolete we have specialized in making dance competitions completely digital. To do this we make sure that we keep up to date with all the technological advances to make sure that your dancer can simply dance to their music and that they can have zero worry when we are there!


We have announced for all major formats including the judicated format.

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Photo Mar 11, 9 14 38 AM.jpg

We know how hard your dancers work every single day and we want you to know that we want your dancers to have the best experience that we too work hard every single day. Our announcers have the experience and continually go through rigorous training.

We make it an emphasis to look at dance competitions as a show or a production. That there are individuals and groups of people that need to be at certain places at certain times. With that being said we have made it our mission to understand the dance competition community and understanding all its rules and expectations so that we can make sure your competition runs perfectly.

This last Dance Competition season we were fortunate enough to grow & learn many things about directing and managing Dance Competitions. It was after the season that we had realized first hand how stressful it can be to have to find an announcer and the complete trust that Directors place in them to do a good job on top of everything else Directos need to worry about to run a successful Dance Competition! With that being said, and with the years of experience under our belt, we have learned that an announcer could either make or break a competition and that could potentially damage the reputation of that Dance Competition in general!


We care so much about this industry that we decided to take action and so we started ProAnnounce, LLC with the goal that Directors will never have to worry about finding sound equipment or a solid announcer again!

Please check our availability and book with us for your next Dance Competition.

5 Star Rated Company!

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Digital Setup For Dance Competitions!

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